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第一章 蜿蜒的大脑,游走的思想

Epel, E. S.,Puterman, E.,Lin, J.,Blackburn, E.,Lazaro, A.and Mendez, W.B.(2013).‘Wandering minds and aging cells/'.Clinical Psychological Science,1,75-83.

Ingvar, D. H.(1979).‘“Hyperfrontal”distribution of the cerebral grey matter fow in resting wakefulness:On the fuctional anatomy of the conscious state/'.Acta Neurologica Scandinavica,60,12-25

——.(1985).‘“Memory of the future”:An essay on the temporal organization of conscious awareness/'. Human Neurobiology,4,127-136.

Killingsworth, M. A.and Gilbert, D.T.(2010).‘A wandering mind is an unhappy mind/'.Science,330,932-932.

Ottaviani, C. and Couyoumdjian, A.(2013).‘Pros and cons of a wandering mind:A prospective study/'.Frontiers in Psychology,4,Article 524.

Raichle, M. E.,MacLeod, A.M.,Snyder, A.Z.,Powers, W.J.,Gusnard, D.A.and Shulman, G.L.(2001).‘A default mode of brain function/'.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,98,676-682.

Schooler, J. W.,Reichle, E.D.and Halpern, D.V.(2005).‘Zoning-out during reading:Evidence for dissociations between experience and meta-consciousness/'.In D.T.Levin(ed.),Thinking and Seeing:Visual Metacognition in Adults and Children(pp.204-226).Cambridge, MA:MIT Press.

Subramaniam, K. and Vinogradov, S.(2013).‘Improving the neural mechanisms of cognition through the pursuit of happiness/'.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,7,Article 452.

第二章 记忆:游走于过去的思维

Corkin, S.(2002).‘What/'s new with the amnesic patient H. M.?/'.Nature Reviews Neuroscience,3,453-460.

——.(2013). Permanent Present Tense:The Man With No Memory, and What He Taught the World.London:Allen Lane.

Kundera, M.(2002). Ignorance.New York:HarperCollins(translated from the French by L.Asher).

Loftus, E. and Ketcham, K.(1994).The Myth of Repressed Memory:False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse.New York:St.Martin/'s Press.

Luria, A. R.(1968).The Mind of a Mnemonist:A Little Book about a Vast Memory.London:Basic Books.

Martin, V. C.,Schacter, D.L.,Corballis, M.C.And Addis, D.R.(2011).‘A role for the hippocampus in encoding simulations of future events/'.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,108,13858-13863.

Nabokov, V.(2000). Speak, Memory.London:Penguin Books.

Ogden, J. A.(2012).Trouble in Mind:Stories from a Neuropsychologist/'s Casebook.Oxford:Oxford University Press.

Raz, A.,Packard, M. G.,Alexander, G.M.,Buhle, J.T.,Zhu, H.,Yu, S.and Peterson, B.S.(2009).‘A slice of:An exploratoryneuroimaging study of digit encoding and retrieval in a superior memorist/'.Neurocase,15,361-372.

Sacks, O.(1985). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and other Clinical Tales.New York:Simon&Schuster.

Spence, J.(1984). The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci.London:Faber&Faber.

Tammet, D.(2009). Embracing the Wide Sky.New York:Free Press.

Treffert, D. A.and Christensen, D.D.(2006).‘Inside the mind of a savant/'.Scientifc American Mind,17,55-55.

von Hippel, W. And Trivers, R.(2011).‘The evolution and psychology of self-deception/'.Behavioral and Brain Sciences,34,1-56.

第三章 关于时间:一个超乎想象的世界

Clayton, N. S.,Bussey, T.J.And Dickinson, A.(2003).‘Can animals recall the past and plan for the future?/'.Trends in Cognitive Sciences,4,685-691.

Darwin, C.(1896). The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex(2nd edition).New York:Appleton.

Markus, H. and Nurius, P.(1986).‘Possible selves/'.American Psychologist,41,954-969.

Osvath, M. and Karvonen, E.(2012).‘Spontaneous innovation for future deception in a male chimpanzee/'.PLOS ONE,7,e36782.

Suddendorf, T. and Corballis, M.C.(2007).‘The evolution of foresight:What is mental time travel, and is it unique to humans?/'.Behavioral and Brain Sciences,30,299-351.

Suddendorf, T. and Redshaw, J.(2013).‘The development of mental scenario building and episodic foresight/'.Annals of the NewYork Academy of Sciences,1296,135-153.

Tulving, E.(1985).‘Memory and consciousness/'. Canadian Psychologist,26,1-12.

Wearing, D.(2005). Forever Today:A Memoir of Love and Amnesia.New York:Doubleday.

第四章 脑中海马:精神漫游网络中枢

Addis, D. R.,Wong, A.T.and Schacter D.L.(2007).‘Remembering the past and imagining the future:Common and distinct neural substrates during event construction and elaboration/'.Neuropsychologia,45,1363-1377.

Corballis, M. C.(2013).‘Mental time travel:The case for evolutionary continuity/'.Trends in Cognitive Sciences,17,5-6.

Dalla Barba, G. and La Corte, V.(2013).‘The hippocampus, a time machine that makes errors/'.Trends in Cognitive Science,17,102-104.

Ekstrom, A. D.,Kahana, M.J.,Caplan, J.B.,Fields, T.A.,Isham, E.A.,Newman, E.L.and Fried, I.(2003).‘The hippocampus, a time machine that makes errors/'.Trends in Cognitive Science,17,102-104.

Gross, C. G.(1993).‘Huxley versus Owen:The hippocampus minor and evolution/'.Trends in Neurosciences,16,493-498.

Macphail, E. M.(2002).‘The role of the avian hippocampus in spatial memory/'.Psicologica,23,93-108.

Maguire, E. A.,Woollett, K.And Spiers, H.J.(2006).‘London taxi drivers and bus drivers:A structural MRI and neuropsychological analysis/'.Hippocampus,16,1091-1101.

Milivojevic, B. and Doeller, C.F.(2013).‘Mnemonic networks in the hippocampal formation:Form spatial maps to temporal and conceptual codes/'.Journal of Experimental Psychology:General.Advance online publication.doi:10.1037/a003746.

O/'Keefe, J. And Nadel, L.(1978).The hippocampus as a Cognitive Map.Oxford:Clarendon Press.

Pastalkova, E.,Itskov, V.,Amarasingham, A. and Buzsáki, G.(2008).‘Internally generated cell assembly sequences in the rat hippocampus’.Sciences,321,1322-1327.

Smith, D. M.and Mizumori, S.J.Y.(2006).‘Hippocampal place cells, context, and episodic memory/'.Hippocampus,16,716-729.

Suddendorf, T.(2013).‘Mental time travel:continuities and discontinuities/'. Trends in Cognitive Sciences,17,151-152.

第五章 在别人的思想中畅游

Bloom, P.(2004). Descartes/'Baby:How the Science of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human.New York:Basic Books.

Call, J. and Tomasello, M.(2008).‘Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?30 years later/',Trends in Cognitive Sciences,12,187-192.

Darwin, C.(1872). The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.London:John Murray.

de Waal, F. B.M.(2012).‘The antiquity of empathy/'.Science,336,874-876.

Grandin, T. and Johnson, C.(2005).Animals in Translation:Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior.New York:Scribner.

Hare, B. and Woods, V.(2013).The Genius of Dogs:How Dogs are Smarter than You Think.London:Oneworld Publications.

Humphrey, N.(1976).‘The social function of intellect/'. In P.P.G.Bateson and R.A.Hinde(eds),Growing Points in Ethology(pp.303-317).Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press.

Kovács, A.M.,Téglás, E.And Endress, A.D.(2011).‘The social sense:Susceptibility to others’beliefs in human infants and adults’.Science,330,1830-1834.

Laing, R. D.(1970).Knots.London:Penguin.

Marks, D. F.and Kammann, R.(1980).The Psychology of the Psychic.Buffalo, NY:Prometheus Books.

Premack, D. And Woodruff, G.(1978).‘Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?/'.Behavioral and Brain Sciences,1,515-526.

Radin, D. I.(2006).Entangled Minds:Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality.New York:Paraview Pocket Books.

Randi, J.(1982). The Truth About Uri Geller.New York:Prometheus Books.

Suddendorf, T.(2013). The Gap:The Science of What Separates Us from Other Animals.New York:Basic Books.

Suddendorf, T. and Corballis, M.C.(1997).‘Mental time travel and the evolution of the human mind/'.Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs,123,133-167.

Taylor, M.(1999). Imaginary Companions and the Children Who Create Them.New York:Oxford University Press.

Whiten, A. And Byrne, R.W.(1988).‘Tactical deception in primates/'.Behavioral and Brain Sciences,11,233-273.

Wimmer, H. and Perner, J.(1983).‘Beliefs about beliefs:Representation and constraining function of wrong beliefs in young children/'s understanding of deception/'.Cognition,13,103-128.

第六章 故事:叙事创造了人类

Abrahams, R. D.(1970).Deep Down in the Jungle:Negro Narrative Folklore from the Streets of Philadelphia.Chicago:Aldine.

Bateson, G.(1982).‘Difference, double description and theinteractive designation of self/'. In F.Allan Hanson(ed.),Studies in Symbolic and Cultural Communication(pp.3-8).University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology No.14.Lawrence:University of Kansas Press.

Boyd, B.(2009). On the Origin of Stories:Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction.Cambridge, MA:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Corballis, M. C.(2002).From Hand to Mouth:The Origins of Language.Princeton:Princeton University Press.

Dunbar, R. I.M.(1998).Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language.

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Engel, S.(1995). The Stories Children Tell:Making Sense of the Narratives of Childhood.New York:W.H.Freeman.

Janet, P.(1928). L/'Évolution de la mémoire et de la notion du temps:Leçons au Collège de France 1927-1928.Paris:Chahine.

Kidd, D. C.and Castano, E.(2013).‘Reading literary fiction improves theory of mind/'.Science,342,377-380.

Mechling, J.(1988).‘“Banana cannon”and other folk traditions between humans and nonhuman animals/'. Western Folklore,48,312-323.

Niles, J. D.(2010).Homo Narrans:The Poetics and Anthropology of Oral Literature.Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press.

Salmond, A.(1975).‘Mana makes the man:A look at Maori oratory and politics/'.

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Savage-Rumbaugh, S.,Shanker, S. G.and Taylor, T.J.(1998).Apes, Language, and the Human Mind.New York:Oxford UniversityPress.

Sugiyama, M. S.(2011).‘The forager oral tradition and the evolution of prolonged juvenility/'.Frontiers in Psychology,2,Article 133.

Thompson, T.(2011).‘The ape that captured time:Folklore, narrative, and the human-animal pide/'. Western Folklore,69,395-420.

Trinkaus, E.(2011).‘Late Pleistocene adult mortality patterns and modern human establishment/'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,108,1267-1271.

Turton, D.(1975).‘The relationship between oratory and the emergence of influence among the Mursi/'. In M.Bloch(ed.),Political Language and Oratory in Traditional Society.New York:Academic Press.

第七章 夜之虎:走进弗洛伊德的世界

Darwin, C.(1872). The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.London:John Murray.

Foulkes, D.(1999). Childeren/'s Dreaming and the Development of Consciousness.Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press.

Fox, K. C.R.,Nijeboer, S.,Solomonova, E.,Domhoff, G.W.and Christoff, K.(2013).‘Dreaming as mind wandering:Evidence from functional neuroimaging and frst-person content reports/'.Frontiers in Psychology,7,Article 412.

Freud, S.(1900). The Interpretation of Dreams.New York:Macmillan.

Hobson, J. A.(2009).‘REM sleep and dreaming:Towards a theory of protoconsciousness/'.Nature Reviews Neuroscience,10,803-813.

Honikawa, T.,Tamaki, M.,Miyawaki, Y. and Kamitani, Y.(2013).‘Neural decoding of visual imagery during sleep/'.Science,340,630-642.

Revonsuo, A.(2000).‘The reinterpretation of dreams:An evolutionary hypothesis of the function of dreaming/'. Behavioral and Brain Sciences,23,877-901.

Saurat, M.-T.,Agbakou, M.,Attigui, P.,Golmard, J.-L. and Arnulf, I.(2011).‘Walking dreams in congenital and acquired paraplegia/'.Consciousness and Cognition,20,1425-1432.

Valli, K. and Revonsuo, A.(2009).‘The threat simulation theory in light of recent empirical evidence:A review/'.American Journal of Psychology,122,17-38.

Wamsley, E. J.and Stickgold, R.(2010).‘Dreaming and offline memory processing/'.Current Biology,20(23),R1010.

第八章 幻觉:常规生活之外的意识边界

James, W.(1902). The Varieties of Religious Experience:A Study in Human Nature, London:Longmans, Green&Co.

Jaynes, J.(1976). The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.New York:Houghton Miffin.

McGilchrist, I.(2009). The Master and his Emissary:The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World.New Haven, CT:Yale University Press.

Penfeld, W. and Perot, P.(1963).‘The brain/'s record of auditory and visual experience/'.Brain,86,596-696.

Rosenhan, D. L.(1973).‘On being sane in insane places/'.Science,179,250-258.

Sacks, O.(2012). Hallucinations.New York:Random House.

Sireteanu, R.,Oertel, V.,Morh, H.,Linden, D. and Singer, W.(2008).‘Graphical illustration and functional neuroimaging of visual hallucinations during prolonged blindfolding/'.Perception,37,1805-1821.

Vitorovic, D. and Biller, J.(2013).‘Musical hallucinations and forgotten tunes-case report and brief literature review/'.Frontiers in Neurology,4,Article 109.

Waugh, E.(1957). The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold.London:Chapman&Hall.

Zubek, J. P.(ed.)(1969).Sensory Deprivation:Fifteen Years of Research.New York:Meredith.

第九章 思想游走的创造力

Baird, B.,Smallwood, J.,Mrazek, M. D.,Kam, J.W.Y.,Franklin, M.S.and Schooler, J.W.(2012).‘Inspired by distraction:Mind wandering facilitates creative incubation/'.Psychological Science,23,1117-1122.

Campbell, D. T.(1960).‘Blind variation and selective retention in creative thought as in other knowledge processes/'.Psychological Review,67,380-400.

Corballis, M. C.(1999).‘Are we in our right minds?/'.In S.Della Sala(ed.),Mind Myths:Exploring Popular Assumptions About the Mind and Brain(pp.25-42).Chichester:John Wiley&Sons.

de Bono, E.(1995).‘Serious creativity/'. The Journal for Quality and Participation,18,12-19.

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