Kao, L. K.-Born in Nanking, 1886. Married, 1906-A.B., Univer-sity of Nanking, 1907. Awarded first prize for high scholarship, 1905. Interpreter, American Consulate, Nanking, 1907-9. Instructor, Military Academy, Nanking, 1909. Arrived in America, November, 1909. Govern-ment support. Studied Liberal Arts at the University of Michigan, 1910-14; Commerce and Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, 1914-15. A.B., 1912; M.A., 1915. Elected to Commerce Club, 1911. President, Michigan Chinese Students' Club, and Indemnity Students' Club, 1912-13. Secre-tary, Chinese Students' Christian Association, 1910. Editor, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1913-14. Was Student Manager: Illinois Central Railway, Pennsylvania Railroad and the Erie Railroad. Returned to China, September, 1916. Junior Clerk, Ministry of Communications, 1916 to date.